Tracking Code Not Disabled in Admin
Tracking Code Not Disabled in Admin
Imported From: http://groups.google.com/group/in-portal-dev/browse_thread/thread/dcfad972a8ec97dd#
I've just discovered today that every time we use "content mode" feature from admin, or when we preview a product, tracking code is still in footer, and not in a special tag, as other features which are disabled when we are in admin mode.
There's 2 problems:
- these visits, while small in count, are wrong visits from statistic view
- when using Google Analytics, all visited pages finally ends in search engine results...
I had recently the case of pages, which were unreachable from front, because still under dev, but have been crawled by Google, and finally all website links have been crawled, with ?pass_through=ts,td&ts=showall&td=no&admin=1&editing_mode= in all URLs
I simply suggest to update next release of advanced theme with a conditional loading for tracking code.