Orders Not Validated Using AtosOrigin Gateway

Orders Not Validated Using AtosOrigin Gateway

Imported From: http://groups.google.com/group/in-portal-bugs/browse_thread/thread/d027229b55b7c437#

I've met again a known bug: orders successfully placed using "AtosOrigin gateway" always stay in "Incomplete" status.

I remember it was a problem with read access to units/gateways/gw_classes/notify_scripts/atosorigin_notify.php , but I've checked that this file is actually readable from an external server, and that correct path is sent to Atos server, then problem can't be on sent informations, which are correct. Also, when I click on "Return" button from gateway, after successful payment, order validation should occur trough this direct return link, even if automatic validation fails. But none of them are working.

Because neither automatic or manual validation occurs, I bet the problem comes from response parsing, but I can't do more at this point, as I don't know how to log returns from gateway by modifying gw class file :-S

Minor bugs in atosorigin.php gw class file

- duplicate line #62

- #99 : return '</form>'.$ret.'<form>'; : forms opening and closing are in wrong order, but finally it's not needed at all, because there's already 2 surrounding HTML form tags (!), so line should be " return $ret; "
