Making a better interface for multilingual field usability
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For now we have two possible interfaces to work with multilingual fields:
- list all on one form
- list only current language field and place language dropdown on top of the form
First solution makes forms really huge, when you have at least 3 translatable fields and 3 languages in system. Second solution slow down translation, since each time language is changed form is refreshed. And if I just want to look on other language translation then I still have to wait for complete form refresh.
I propose another way (see attached image): when we see only selected language field (like in second solution) and we have language tabs above that field, that will allow to switch current language of the field without complete form refresh. Each translatable field (textbox, textarea) will have such language tabs above them. When for example field is required and we doesn't fill it, then appropriate tab will be highlighted in red and will be automatically selected. In case if there are errors on more, then one language, then first tab with error will be selected and moving cursor over problematic tab will display it's error as a hint OR in appropriate area for errors (on form top).