Themes Download section on In-Portal.com

Themes Download section on In-Portal.com

Imported From: http://groups.google.com/group/in-portal-design/browse_thread/thread/ca7f835dbb1f5cad#

Hi guys,

We are getting ready to publish new free In-Portal themes. They are mostly
free HTML templates provided by the Template Monster and integrated into

The question is about Themes Download section we have on In-Portal.com
website ( http://www.in-portal.com/support-downloads/themes.html ). We are
planning to have about 20 news themes so I believe it's time to think
whether any changes required to the current download page to
better accommodate the amount of themes we are going to have, or we should
stick to the same page design/usability for now?

Opinions with explanations are welcome!