Trailing separators not removed from toolbar

Trailing separators not removed from toolbar

On of main components of UI of Admin Console are toolbars. Typical toolbar looks like one on image below.

As you can see toolbar consists of these items:

  • buttons
  • separators

Developer can hide a specific button (but not separator) with by:

  • restricting access to a specific permission (e.g. if user can't add new records, then he shouldn't see "Add" button either)
  • specifying button in site config as part of interface preset

If either way we can't guess which buttons will be hidden for each user before user tries to open page with a toolbar on it. Since we don't control separator appearance this could lead to these problems:

  1. when "Export" button is hidden we see 2 subsequent separators
  2. when "View" button is hidden we see separator at the end of toolbar
  3. when "Add" and "Edit" and "Delete" buttons are hidden we see separator at the beginning of toolbar

Subsequent separator removal is already solved, but other 2 problems aren't. Attached patch fixes that problem.


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