No way to open disabled page from Admin Console

No way to open disabled page from Admin Console

Imported from: http://groups.google.com/group/in-portal-bugs/browse_thread/thread/20f588d544f29eb7#

I was told, that before In-Portal 5.0.0 release there was an ability to open disabled pages through Admin Console. I suppose it was a good for an Editor to: 

  1. create a new page on a site
  2. fill all content in
  3. let another Editor to review it, while it was disabled
  4. approve changes so all other site visitors can view the page

Now it's not possible.

Moreover when you click on shortcut icon in admin console near that disabled page, then cache is created for that page url, where it's parent page id is stored instead of this page id. Later on, when you approve that page you still will see parent page using an url to this page, since no url parsing cache is reset in page approve/decline process.


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