Solution to JavaScript number rounding issues
Solution to JavaScript number rounding issues
Due nature how floating point numbers are stored in JavaScript the native javascript functions doesn't round them correctly.
Let's take 145.575 number and round it to 2 digit after comma precision:
Code | Actual Result | Correct Result |
Math.round(145.575 * 100) / 100 | 145.57 | 145.58 |
(145.575).toFixed(2) | 145.57 | 145.58 |
On the http://stackoverflow.com/questions/10015027/javascript-tofixed-not-rounding page I've found interesting solution:
function toFixed(num, precision) { return (+(Math.round(+(num + 'e' + precision)) + 'e' + -precision)).toFixed(precision); }
It works correctly with any number and precision combination exception number is smaller or equals to 0.0000001.