

Imported From: http://groups.google.com/group/in-portal-marketing/browse_thread/thread/649b4e8bfa5719c9#

Time for part 2 of my raving about In-Portal.

I see that you have opened up the hosting to the public, but I don't
see any mention of dedicated hosting. Maybe that isn't something you
want to get into, but I think you should and here is why.

We have had a dedicated server for about 8 years with a couple of
different companies (big ones). They only provided hosting - no
programming, no security help, no security advice, etc. We used to get
hacked (every January and/or May for some reason) and they could not
help us stop the problem or tell us what in our code was vulnerable.
They couldn't upgrade our PHP or MySQL without breaking our
applications, but then they didn't have anyone to repair the scripts.

We have been hosted with you for nearly a year and the difference is
night and day. We have not been hacked once. We have had our PHP and
MySQL upgraded and you have the programmers to fix any conflicts. We
do not have server down time, email problems, backups not being done,
etc. like we used to. With our last host, we opened support tickets at
least 4 times per month. In the last year, I think I have only emailed
your hosting support 3 times. While you are more expensive than what
we had before, it has been worth every penny. I can't imagine other
webmasters not wanting this kind of peace of mind plus have their
programmers and software creator all in one place.

On your site, the Hosting page is in the Support and Downloads
section. Personally, I would create 2 new tabs - one for programming
and one for hosting that promotes these services that you provide...