Marketing Ideas

Marketing Ideas

Imported From: http://groups.google.com/group/in-portal-marketing/browse_thread/thread/06be30ca4f97cee5#


I just wanted to contribute some thoughts that I think will help In-
Portal's market presence.

For starters, I have discovered that In-Portal's presence in software
directories could use a lot of work as many directories have over 100
CMS solutions listed and In-Portal is buried in the mix. Here are some
examples of what I am referring to:

1) http://php.resourceindex.com/Complete_Scripts/Homepage_Communities/
Listed here, but need more ratings to get up toward the top.

2) http://www.hotscripts.com/listing/in-portal-cms-possibilities-are-endless-winter-sale-save-25-percent/
Listed here, but in the Licensing and Pricing section, there are a
bunch of &#45. Get more reviews from existing customers.

4) http://www.scriptsbank.com/cgi-bin/links/search.cgi?query=in-portal&catid=9
In-Link (old version) is listed here, but not in-portal

3) Not listed here:

4) http://www.scripts.com/php-scripts/portal-software/inportal-website-management-system/
Somebody has spammed the rating system here and given you a 1 star

There are a ton of these types of directories and I would recommend
making sure you are listed correctly in all of them and see if you can
encourage your users to add ratings as I have just done. The only way
I was able to find In-Portal on any of these sites was searching by
the name, which does you no good if a person hasn't heard of In-
Portal. If you could at least get listed on the first page of listings
on some of these sites, that should really help. In some cases, you
may be able to purchase a sponsored listing which would put you at the

Make sure the keyword CMS is used in the title and/or description on
these sites. Make sure the versions listed on these sites is current
and the last update date if there is one. For example, one of your
listings said version 1.1 and last updated in 2005. This will make
people think this project is dead.

Another idea I had was to list each module separately on these sites
for more exposure. For example, In-Bulletin could go in the PHP Forums
categories, In-News in the news scripts section, In-Portal would
remain in the CMS categories, etc.

That's all I have at the moment, but will add more later.

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