To find theme templates, that were added after initial In-Portal installation it does theme rescan (usually initiated by used). Each of templates can have meta info on top of it in block comment:
<!--## <NAME>Page Name</NAME> <DESC>Page Description</DESC> <SECTION>Path||To||Section</SECTION> ##-->
Error rendering macro 'jira' : Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.
we've changed a way of parsing contents of that comment. Now it also validates, that it's a valid XML inside and if it isn't, then does nothing.However there is template, that have a block comment on top, but content of comment isn't actual template description:
File: /themes/advanced/in-commerce/elements/html_head.elm.tpl
<!--## CSS & JAVASCRIPT FOR IN-COMMERCE ##--> <inp2:m_Compress files="in-commerce/inc/styles.css" to="all_css"/> <!--## <inp2:m_Compress files="in-commerce/inc/script.js" to="all_js"/> ##--> <!--## /CSS & JAVASCRIPT FOR IN-COMMERCE ##-->