Imported from:
Starting with In-Portal 5.0.0 there is ability to create "theme.xml" file under "_install" folder in theme. This file holds meta-information that is used to interact with theme templates. You can even create "_install" folder under each module sub folder in one theme, e.g.
- /themes/theme_folder/_install/theme.xml - in-portal file
- /themes/theme_folder/*in-commerce*/_install/theme.xml - in-commerce module file
Right now I'm integrating (infusing pure HTML slice-up with In-Portal tags) new In-Commerce theme and I don't have any "in-commerce" module sub-folder to place it's theme.xml into it. So I've decided, that you can specify alternative module directly in theme.xml file to place all module-specific theme information into single theme.xml file.
Here the sample:
<theme> <default_design>designs/general</default_design> <section_design module="in-commerce">designs/section</section_design> <item_design module="in-commerce"*>products/details</item_design> <form_design>designs/form</form_design> <form_thankyou>thankyou</form_thankyou> </theme>
In the above example is the contents of /themes/theme_folder/_install/theme.xml file and you can see how "section_design" and "item_design" have "module" attribute specified.