Imported From:
when we execute core/install.php, we can choose : "Reinstall
In-Portal", and the text help on the right says :
"Reinstall In-Portal - cleans out your existing In-Portal database and
starts with a fresh installation. Note that this operation cannot be
undone and no backups are made! Use at your own risk."
1- why threaten user with such message :"cannot be undone and no
backups are made", is a dump isn't too complicated to achieve?
2- there's no confirmation message when we select this option : it
directly destroy all DB, without any confirmation, no security else
than this message, while we should help user, rather than letting him
going on a wrong action
I'd suggest here to have a warning prompt, and if user validate the
re-install, do a dump in backupdata/ folder before cleaning anything.