While trying to reproduce problem, described in [In-Commerce] Order Workflow Broken Without Backorders Management Enabled I've stumbled upon 2 even more annoying problems:
Double product creation
- go to any section in Catalog
- open new Tangible product creation form
- click on "Save" on empty form to see validation error
- type "ttt" as Name and "taa" as SKU
- hit Save
Two identical products are created instead of one. This might be related to other problem (see below), because 1 product record created in temp table, but while temp handler copies it to live table it doubles it somehow.
SQL error on product save
- go to any section in Catalog
- open new Tangible product creation form
- click on "Save" on empty form to see validation error
- type "ttt" as Name and "taa" as SKU
- click on "Inventory" tab
- hit Save
As a result following SQL error is displayed:
Might be we shouldn't worry about it that much, because in In-Portal 5.3.x temp handler was rewritten from the scratch and this problem might not exist at all. Need to merge In-Portal 5.2.1-B2 release to In-Portal 5.3.x branch to verify though.
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