Tasks in general can be of 2 types:
- interactive - a progress bar is displayed showing how much % of task is done
- non-interactive - nothing is shown to user
- user triggered - user presses a button (or similar control) to trigger a task
- system triggered - tasks are created on their own
Here is the matrix of what's currently supported by In-Portal:
Interactive | Non-Interactive | |
User Triggered |
System Triggered |
- interactive tasks are blocking UI and therefore user can't do something else in Admin Console while they are running
- user don't create about real-time status update of interactive tasks in most (but not all) cases, but just wants to know when they're completed
- scheduled tasks (system triggered non-interactive tasks):
- provide limited insight about task execution status
- only retain last task execution status
- e-mail queue:
- successfully executed tasks are removed from queue (the "E-mail Logs" section sort of compensates for that currently)
- no error information is stored within task
To solve this I'm proposing to:
- create "TaskQueue" database table with following columns:
- Id
- QueuedOn - when task was queued
- QueuedById - who queued the task
- ScheduledOn - when task needs to be processed (set at queuing time)
- TaskClass - which PHP class is responsible for processing this task queue record
- TaskData - data, that is needed for task execution (e.g. e-mail recipient, IDs of records to be processed)
- LastStatus - status from last attempt of this queue record processing - {scheduled (default), processing, success, failed}
- MaxRetries - if task fails specified number of times (5 by default), then don't retry it
- FailedRetries - failed retry count (number is reset, when task execution was successful)
- create "TaskQueueDetails" database table with following columns:
- Id
- TaskQueueId - associated task queue record
- StartedOn - when task was started executing
- PercentsCompleted - 0 by default, but will be updated as task is being processed
- FinishedOn - when task was finished executing
- Status - {processing (default), success, error, timeout} - create record right before execution start; error - when known error happened during processing; timeout - when status wasn't created within 1 day
- ErrorCode - non-empty when known error happened
- ErrorMessage - non-empty when known error happened
- probably there won't be any UI for this functionality, because it's too general to be usable by user, but specialized sections (e.g. "E-mail Queue") can read data from these tables to keep user updated
- task can be created by whoever needs it, e.g. user presses a button, scheduled task decides to offload some work, etc.
- a scheduled task needs to be created to process records from "TaskQueue" table:
- pick records with "Status = scheduled" and "ScheduledOn < NOW()"
- create class instance (from "TaskClass" field) responsible for task processing
- if class isn't found, then:
- create record in "TaskQueueDetails" table with "error" status and error message set to "Task class not found"
- set "FailedRetries" to "MaxRetries"
- if class found:
- create record in "TaskQueueDetails" table with "processing" status
- let class to process task
- update record in "TaskQueueDetails" table by setting "success" status (if no errors happened), "error" status (and ErrorCode/ErrorMessage fields) when error happened
- the "task-queue-detail" unit would automatically update associated "task-queue" record to indicate last status and such fields
- delete data about successfully executed tasks after 1 month (configurable as log rotation) since task was executed