Below each grid In-Portal displays a pagination bar. Typical pagination bar looks like this:
[<<] [<] 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 [>] [>>]
Here is the meaning of each symbol:
- [<<] - would change current page to "current_page minus 10" (10 - displayed page count)
- [<] - would change current page to "current_page minus 1" (goes to previous page)
- 7 - 16 - page numbers
- 10 - page number, that is currently active
- [>>] - would change current page to "current_page plus 10" (10 - displayed page count)
- [>] - would change current page to "current_page plus 1" (goes to next page)
Usually [<<] and [>>] links are not displayed, because of small record count or large per-page setting in the grids.
Recently I've noticed however, that, when used on Front-End these [<<] and [>>] links are pointing to incorrect page numbers.
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Error rendering macro 'jira' : Unable to locate Jira server for this macro. It may be due to Application Link configuration.