Imported From:
Some time ago (can't really tell when) we developed interface preset
It allows to show/hide fields/columns menus through out the Admin Console.
There 3 predefined schemes available:
- simple - most of the stuff disabled/hidden
- advanced - all is allowed
- custom - all is allowed
Both "advanced" and "custom" interface presets are of equal value since we
didn't restricted anything in them yet.
Also there 2 configuration variables to work with interface presets:
1. "Admin Console Interface" (AdminConsoleInterface) in "Configuration
-> Website -> General" section that allows to set current interface preset
(one for all users)
2. "Allow Admin to change Admin Console Interface"
(AllowAdminConsoleInterfaceChange) in "Configuration -> Website ->
Advanced" that hides first variable and disallows user to change it.
At first it seems, that there is no use for 2nd setting at all, there is.
Let me explain.
1. Set "simple" interface preset in "Configuration -> Website ->
General" section (now "Configuration -> Website -> Advanced" section
becomes hidden, while in non-debug mode)
2. Go to "Configuration -> Website -> Advanced" and enable "Allow Admin
to change Admin Console Interface" (now "Admin Console Interface" is no
longer visible to ALL, even developers)
Then if we (as developers) miss some sections and want to use them without
website owner seeing them we need to:
1. Go to "Configuration -> Website -> Advanced" section and disable "Allow
Admin to change Admin Console Interface" setting
2. change "Admin Console Interface" setting in "Configuration -> Website
-> General" section
As you can see lots of jumping between sections and checking 2
configuration settings.
I'm proposing to simplify this by doing following changes:
1. show "Admin Console Interface" setting for all users if "Allow Admin
to change Admin Console Interface" setting is enabled
2. show "Admin Console Interface" setting for all users, who have debug
mode enabled, if "Allow Admin to change Admin Console Interface" setting
is disabled
3. move "Allow Admin to change Admin Console Interface" setting to be
showed as a "[x] allow changing" right next to "Admin Console
Interface" setting
Best Regards,