Wiki Style Documentation

Wiki Style Documentation

Imported From: http://groups.google.com/group/in-portal-docs/browse_thread/thread/669f48b43c8f8b9a#

Welcome to the In-portal User Documentation group! this group is for
User Manual Documentation.  There is another group (not yet created by
Alex - "in-portal-guide" for Developers Guide

The idea here is to setup wiki-style user documentation that can be
written, expanded and maintained by this team.  In-portal will have
links - help icons ( ? ) throughout Administrative Console that will
point to the corresponding wiki pages. So we will have help that is
structured similar to the Administrative Console + additional sections
and each admin page will have a corresponding wiki help page.

People will be able to contribute, as well as comment and rate all
wiki help pages.  The goal is to get the best user documentation
ever.  Our bigges't competitor's documentation (Joomla) is actually
not that good. I think we can do better.

The documentation will be written in plain language with many
screenshots and illustrations. Eventually the translation team can
help translate it into other lagnuages.

I was thinking about creating a separate installation of wiki:
docs.in-portal.org or www.in-portal.org/docs/

Or we can do:


It would probably be better if it is the same as this groups'a name
(we can change that, too)

What do you think?  Let's discuss ideas for how to make the
documentation better as well as infrastrcutre, etc.