URL rewriting doesn't understand accented characters

URL rewriting doesn't understand accented characters

Imported From: http://groups.google.com/group/in-portal-bugs/browse_thread/thread/7f8d7ee72a8a3820#

I was seeing this as a bug from my browser, but I found it also in google reports (adsense):
If you have an URL like découvrir-nos-produits/products.html you can copy and paste it into your browser, it works.

For an unknown reason it's translated like this, for example when I paste it in another software, or like google browse it d%E3%A9couvrir-nos-produits/products.html the rewriting doesn't work and we end to a 404 (and google also see a 404).

I'd ask here to modify .htaccess to accept and translate characters when they are shown in another form, as this seems a major problem for being indexed.