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Hi everyone,
As part of currently *Minimize In-Portal Core with ability to
download/update Modules online<>
*discussion where we started to break In-Portal CORE on a smaller pieces
reviewing it's Table Structure.
In this discussion I propose we finally Review and Rename all incorrectly
named Tables:
Agents => SystemEventSchedules, used in CORE, propose to rename to
"SystemEventSchedules" as part of 981: Rename Agents section to "Event
Scheduler" task
BanRules => UserBanRules, user ban rules (rarely used), might move from CORE
to UserBans in the future.
Cache => SystemCache, used in CORE, propose to rename so it's more
Category => Categories, used in CORE
CategoryCustomData - category custom field values CORE? Need to Rename?
CustomField => CustomFields, currently used in CORE, but may not be part of
default install CORE in the future (after minimized)
Drafts => FormSubmissionReplyDrafts, currently used in CORE, but may not be
part of default install CORE in the future (after minimized), proposed
module - form submission drafts - Forms
Events => EmailEvents, used in CORE, propose to rename so it's more
Favorites => CategoryItemFavorites - favorite category items and friend list
(in in-bulletin) - CategoryItems
Images => CategoryItemImages, used for user/category/category item images