Versions Compared


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Imported From:

Right now In-Portal uses mostly one of 3 class types to do it's job:   -

  • event handler - handles all actions from user side


  • tag processor - displays content, that tags generate on templates


  • helpers - classes that do jobs specific to both event handler and tag


  • processor

Right now In-Portal uses helper classes of 2 types:   -

  • general - not a unit bound functions inside


  • unit bound - unit bound functions inside that either expects


  • initialization with unit info (e.g. BracketsHelper) or unit is given for


  • each called method (e.g. kSearchHelper).

Lately I had troubles with extending "kSearchHelper" to a needs of a specific
unit only. Right now there are these problems:   -

  • extending helper class to be used with one unit would cause other


  • units to use same extended helper class (even if they don't need that)


  • helper class can only be extended once and if 2+ modules need specific


  • code they can't do it.

Here is an improvement I'm proposing:   1.

  1. allow default parameter values in class registration (e.g. don't


  1. specify 'build_event' parameter all the time with 'OnBuild' value)


  1. add SearchHelperClass => Array ('class' => 'kSearchHelper' ,'file' =>


  1. '') construct to unit config (if absent will be considered as default)


  1. add kBase::getSubObject($class_suffix, $params = Array ()) method,


  1.  that would internally do this: return


  1. $this->Applcation->recallObject($this->getPrefixSpecial() . '_' .


  1. $class_suffix, $this->Prefix . '_' . $class_suffix, $params);


  1. replace code


  1. $this->Application->recallObject('SearchHelper')->performSearch($event)


  1. with code  $this->getSubObject('SearchHelper')->performSearch()

There are several benefits from code above:   1.

  1. via $this->getSubObject there is possible to easily (very short code


  1. piece) to create unit-bound helper class version


  1. even shorter unit config class registrations


  1. adding unit-specific code to common helper class won't affect other


  1. classes who uses that helper


Best Regards,
