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Hello guys,
I just discovered the "mailing list" menu in Community, and to be honest,
it's not what I would all a "user's friendly" interface. Tested in V510.
Here is the question I asked to myself, and should many users will also ask
to themselves: -
- I can create new mailing lists, but how can I select the recipient
- group?
- When sending email to an individual user from User's list, this mail
- appears in "Mailing List" menu, with "Not processed" status : weird that an
- individual email appears here
- I don't understand when does In-Portal decides to send finally the
- mails
- I don't see any list in "Email queue" tab, while my mails are
- mysteriously sent
May the system is very logical once you'll teach me, but for sure the
the "usability" for an average user is non-existent.