Imported From:
It's been some time we have ran In-Portal Open Source now and during
this time gather a some feedback from our user and developers. After
putting some time into reviewing all requests we have came up with the
following list of additions we need to make in order to improve
usability of In-Portal's Infrastructure:1.
Create special page with Development Spanshots Snapshots of In-Portal and it's
modules. It will allow users to download and test cutting edge
development versions. For now snapshots will be taken on a daily
basis, but this can be adjusted later.2. Change
Change Log
While In-Portal Issue Tracker has all bugs and features recoded recorded and
well tracked - it's quite advanced by it's nature and can't be used as
quick reference in release notes. This brings us to the point that we
need a special page on In-Portal site (probably .COM) that will list a
Change Log with User-friendly entries for each corresponding release.
In order to minimize additional work. We are thinking to add a new
field to Issue Tracker which will be used to store User-friendly
message which will be then auto-generated from the Issue Tracker and
shown on the Change Log.3.
Feature List
Also we need to find a way to automate the list of features for In-
Portal. There quite many things that are not listed yet and some Major
ones actually will available soon and will have to be included. In
other words we need to reduce manual labor with updating the website.
We are the programmers for god's sake, are we not? :)
All comments are welcome.