Imported From:
I've recently looked at how Twig stores it's compiled templates and I liked
it. It simply creates unique class name and wraps all template contents
into it.
Usual template consists of 2 things (both optional): -
- element definitions - creates a function that can be used later, but
- doesn't produce any output at place, where it's defined
- tags that output something
Because right now we don't use class to wrap functions we create some crazy
hashes crazy hashes based on template_path+element_location+element_name
When wrapped in a class we can improve several things: 1.
- only 1 weird hash per file (in class name)
- functions, created as a result of template compilation not accessible
- in global scope (no need to exclude whole /system/cache folder, just to
- make auto-complete more intelligent)
- methods in compiled templates match exact element names in that
- template, so searching for a compiled method representation is easy (if you
- need to debug it or something)
- mapping between block names and their implementation points are
- easier to understand (e.g. if you have an element with same name locally in
- some template, then you'll see in which one exactly)
Best Regards,